Friday, May 4, 2012

'Behind the Scenes' at OCEAN PARK

I recently joined something called the AWA (American Woman's Association).  It's for women, of all nationalities, who live in Hong Kong.  They run events, host various regular activities and have an online forum for asking questions.  I hesitated joining at first, because Canadians don't like to be called 'Americans', but I got over the name and I'm glad I did.

Sleepy Giant Panda... She even pooped in her sleep.  Right in front of us.
Through the AWA, I signed up to do a 'behind the scenes tour' of Ocean Park.  Ocean Park is like Canada's Wonderland, but much, much cooler.  There are roller coasters and games, but there are also incredible animal exhibits and it's all on the South side of Hong Kong Island with beautiful views.

Our tour took us into areas of the park where normally only staff would access, like the veterinary hospital, the dolphin breeding and training pools, and private viewing areas of the big aquariums.  We also got to see the development of a penguin exhibit, which isn't even open yet.  Very cool.  My favourite part was seeing the Giant Pandas, the dolphins and the kinkajou (scary looking monkey thing).  I didn't know that dolphins like to get their bellies scratched like dogs do.  They also love to show off and get attention, like little siblings do (I can say that, cause I'm the youngest in my family).

With their exorcist flexibility, there's no itch they can't scratch.
A roller coasters with an amazing view
A new friend, Gillian, and I were planning to stay on after the tour and ride all of the roller coasters.  Sadly, the sky opened up and dumped a ridiculous amount of rain.  That with some thunder and lightning and the rides were all closed for the rest of the day.  Maybe someday we'll go back so I can experience the roller coaster that goes right out on the peninsula and looks like you're about to fly into the ocean.  Now that sounds terrifying and amazing.

I started taking photography lessons last week.  I'm proud to say that none of these photos at Ocean Park were taken in any 'automatic' setting.  I adjusted ISO speed, aperture, and sometimes shutter speed.  I kept the focus automatic cause there's no need to get crazy.  This week's lesson was on photo composition, so hopefully as I practice, my photos will become more interesting and engaging to view.

Otter at feeding time.
Looking snooty.

The giant aquarium.

Panda bear, also called 'FireFox'.  Original Panda discovered, which is why the others are called 'Giant Pandas'.

He's sleeping.  Hilarious.

Blue and Yellow Macaw.
Jelly fish... there were so many jelly fish.

The park is in two sections on either side of the hill, connected by this gondola and a train.

Monkey with funny yellow hands... look like work gloves.

Kinkajou looking for food.

The kinkajou.  Doesn't it look like something from a horror flick?

Slow moving sloth living upside down.  Did you know they even give birth upside down?

Dolphin getting a belly rub in the training pool.

Show-off.  Damn you're cute.


  1. WOW Trish, again you amaze me with your photo abilities!!! I officially want to see the monkey with the little yellow hands.........he's soooooo cute!

  2. Dear Trish, I'm a PhD student researching about the raccoon family (same of the kinkajou) and I came across your pics while looking for some teaching resources. I would like to ask your permission to use your kinkajou images in an outreach event. I would print one copy of your picture and the photo credits would be included on the bottom.
    Thank you very much, and congrats on your amazing shots!
