Monday, May 28, 2012

Music & Culture with the Ladies.

Street Art at Times Square, CB
I recently joined something called the AWA - the American Women's Association.  I hesitated to join for two reasons: 1) I wasn't sure I was 'invited', being Canadian, and as a proud Canadian I don't really like being called American and 2)  A woman's group sounded like an 'old lady' version of the college sorority concept, but with stuffy old ladies sitting around knitting and playing majohng.  I really didn't think it would appeal to me.

Street Art
After several recommendations from people I met and reassurances that it was truly an 'international' organization with women from all over the world, I finally decided to join.  It has been one of the best things I've done in Hong Kong.

The AWA organizes great mini trips, volunteer opportunities and activities which make it easier to explore and get involved in this city than if I were always on my own.  Last week I spent an afternoon volunteering for their spring drive (organizing collections for local charities) and then spent a day going to the Cultural Centre to watch a dress rehearsal of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra.  That was perfect because it's the kind of thing that Foley would not be interested in, but I really am... so I went with my old lady sorority.  (The new friends I have met are of all ages, by the way).

I snapped this right before we were asked not to take photos... does that make it wrong to post?? Just before dress rehearsal began.
Then today we did one of my favourite cultural activities so far, we learned how to do a 'lion dance'.  We took turns learning the percussion piece and the dance steps, everyone got to try it all.  After first 'mastering' (please read: no where near mastering, more like butchering) the drumming, I proudly brought up the arse end of our lion in the dance.  It's harder than it looks to keep together as a cohesive unit when you can't see, since the rear person is bent over with their face in the other person's butt.  Lovely mental image?  You certainly don't want to step forward when they are stepping back.  At the end of our lesson we put all the pieces together and were feeling pretty proud of ourselves when we performed the percussion and steps of a lion dance.  That was until our teachers performed for us with one of their lion dances, welcoming us to HK, and we were all blown away (see some of their dance here).
Our percussion group, with our teacher who did NOT speak English. 

Drumming solo.  :)

Their wonderful performance... done properly.
Me in the lion's head.
Their grand finale... so sweet.
There's such a rich history and culture here in Hong Kong.  I really love learning about it, and having the opportunity to participate in activities like these.  However, the best part of joining my 'old lady sorority' has been the interesting and fun new friends that I have made (who do much more than knit and play mahjong)!

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